Get Involved! Join a LOTSAR Committee.
Committee Descriptions
Affordable Housing Committee
- Promotes the Workforce Housing Specialist certification program.
- Plans and organizes affordable housing initiatives and events.
Allied Member Committee
- This committee is dedicated to increasing networking opportunities between our REALTOR® members and Allied members service providers.
Community Engagement and Cultural Inclusion Committee
- Promotes public relations efforts of LOTSAR aimed at improving the public image of REALTORS® and encouraging
consumers to use the services of REALTORS®. - Committee members plan and coordinate community service projects, per the Board of Directors. Events include Habitat
House, and the blood drive. - Reviews public and private requests for LOTSAR donations and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding
donation endeavors.
Finance Committee
- Monitors the financial status of the Board and its Subsidiaries.
Grievance Committee
- A screening committee that reviews ethics complaints and arbitration requests.
- Decides whether to send complaints / requests forward to the Professional Standards committee for hearings.
- Meets as needed when Ethics Complaints are filed.
Legislative/RPAC Committee
- Monitors local, state, and federal governmental actions.
- Committee members are responsible for informing members of current issues.
- Responsible for informing members of issues important to REALTORS® and those candidates who support those issues.
- Coordinates collections of RPAC contributions from LOTSAR members
Professional Standards Committee
- Conducts full “due process” hearings with sworn testimony, witnesses, and evidence, for ethics complaints and arbitration
requests forwarded by the Grievance committee or Board of Directors. - Professional Standards committee members are required to take Code of Ethics training and to have served on a Grievance or
Professional Standards committee previously. - Meets as needed for Hearings.
Joining a LOTSAR Committee – FAQs
Question: What is the time commitment?
Answer: Most committees meet once per month. Meetings are usually 1 hour in length. Some committees, such as Professional Development & Events and Community Relations sponsor events, so there are additional volunteer opportunities.
Question: Where do committee meetings take place?
Answer: All regularly scheduled committee meetings take place at the Land of the Sky Association of REALTORS® office at 21 Restaurant Court.
Question: Are there any experiential or educational requirements for committee participation?
Answer: Only the Grievance and Professional Standards committees have prerequisites. Formal Code of Ethics / Professional Standards training is required in order to review complaints and/or to serve on hearing panels. Also, Professional Standards members should have previous experience on a Grievance or Professional Standards committee.